File Structure

## Sass Version
### Custom Styles
* `style.css` – this file is never actually loaded, however, this is where you set your theme name and is required by WordPress
* `assets/styles/scss/style.scss` – import all of your styles here. If you create an additional SCSS file, be sure to import it here.
* `assets/styles/scss/_main.scss` – place all of your custom styles here.
* `assets/styles/scss/_settings.scss` – adjust Foundation style settings here.
* `assets/styles/scss/login.scss` – place custom login styles here. This will generate it’s own stylesheet.

### Custom Scripts
* `assets/scripts/js/` – place your custom scripts here. Each .JS file will be compiled and concatenated when the build process is ran.

### Images
* `assets/images/` – place your theme images here. Each image will be optimized when the build process is ran.

## CSS Version
Coming soon.

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